Music Marketing Doesn't Have to Suck!
Tips and tricks for marketing your own music
Music Marketing Doesn't Have to Suck

How to Launch Your Own Spotify / Meta Conversio...
This is an introduction to our learn-at-your-own-pace course that covers everything you need to create, launch, and optimize your own Spotify / Meta Conversion Campaign! This is the culmination of 5 live,...
How to Launch Your Own Spotify / Meta Conversio...
This is an introduction to our learn-at-your-own-pace course that covers everything you need to create, launch, and optimize your own Spotify / Meta Conversion Campaign! This is the culmination of 5 live,...

How to optimize your Conversion Campaign by Cou...
In this video I sit down with Gal Shaya to go through his campaign for his song "Daydreams of a Ghost". Specifically, we discuss ad set targeting and compare data across...
How to optimize your Conversion Campaign by Cou...
In this video I sit down with Gal Shaya to go through his campaign for his song "Daydreams of a Ghost". Specifically, we discuss ad set targeting and compare data across...